8/21/19 - first update of this side section in about 2 years!

Here it is - A weekly show on the internet, still in production! Although not weekly anymore. To watch the episodes you only need 2 things:

1. Any modern version of Windows Media Player or VLC Media Player. Not hard to find these days.

2. An internet connection, preferably a high speed one. If you are still on dial up, you have no excuse anymore. You need to get out of the stone age, or move to where there is high speed internet!

If you have an Apple / Mac computer, go to yahoo or google and search for the "Windows for Quicktime" codec and download it. Apple is always saying how great their computers are and how they can do anything. But they need special help to play a Windows Media 9 (.wmv) video file!

My equipment that I use to make the shows:

Canon Vixia HFR600 digital video camera, the old ZR45MC had its CCD chip go bad after 12 years.

A computer I built myself, with a Z170 chipset motherboard, Intel i7-6700K, 1060 GPU, and 16GB of RAM. Running Windows 7 Pro of course, because I don't like Windows 10.