Looks like I'm not doing very well on the Google Page Rank thing.
Every time someone makes something idiot proof, they invent a better idiot.
10/26/24 -- Episode 206 is out now, time to go learn something new!
Stop by the LoudMouthTim youtube channel and see all the videos there too! Add comments to them while you are there!
I updated several pages of the site with new notes, and added more photos to the LMT Photos page. Go see them while you are here.
See the videos here in the Webshows tab, then come on over to the "Loudmouthtim" YouTube channel and see more! While you're there, Like, Comment, and Subscribe!
I finally found a setting in Windows Movie Maker 2.6 that lets it output in 16:9 ratio instead of 4:3,
so the videos will finally look normal again! I'll have to go and see if episodes 177-184 can be re-encoded in widescreen to match what the camera shoots.
The history of Bitcoin interactive slide show.
In case no one read the "Contact LMT" page, questions can be sent to loudmouthtim@hotmail.com .
Think of how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are stupider than that! -- George Carlin